Desktop as a Service (DaaS) in Today's Business Landscape: Adaptation and Utility

Desktop as a Service (DaaS) in Today's Business Landscape: Adaptation and Utility

Author: HostZealot Team
2 min.

​The digital world is in a constant transformation and there is no evidence that someday it will reach the endpoint. Everything in this industry is improving, changing, and developing rapidly and sometimes even unpredictably. In order to get a higher profit, businesses always monitor the latest changes and try to implement them.

During the recent couple of years, lots of companies have switched to the remote or hybrid mode of working. If your firm has not yet, it is always the right time to consider such kind of change. To simplify this transition period, there are lots of helpful tools. One of them is DaaS or desktop as a service. This is a type of desktop virtualization that is a rather popular alternative to the traditional virtualization approaches.  

Leveraging DaaS for Remote Capacity Expansion

DaaS is a virtualization platform. The desktop virtualization is supported by the providers that guarantee maintenance and delivery of the management tools and infrastructure. The existence of such providers is really beneficial for regular customers who can use virtual desktops and apps without any technical skills. Clients are just managing virtual systems with the needed security level and quick access.  

Key Characteristics of Desktop as a Service

Desktop as a service or DaaS has a couple of beneficial characteristics that make this option so popular among customers. The initial crucial feature is the easiness of deployment. The companies that choose DaaS can quickly and easily deliver desktops and apps to the employees. Most providers offer access to quickly deploy.

The next characteristic of DaaS is accessibility from any device. The best thing is that users can easily access desktops and apps from simple apps or browsers. Moreover, the users can access their work via any device.  

Due to the DaaS providers, ordinary users can enjoy reduced management. Instead of the customer’s companies, providers are responsible for the whole management process. They are patching, and updating desktops with the most recent versions of OSs. In such a way, clients are saving lots of time and effort on the processes that are controlled by providers.

DaaS security is one more factor that is guaranteed for all users. All the important data is stored on the cloud and that is a better choice than on a device. By doing this, the data leakage because of the lost/stolen device is absolutely impossible.    

Mitigating Security Concerns with BYOD Policies

Users have various attitudes towards their devices. Some try to upgrade the system to the latest version as soon as it appears on the market. Others don’t hurry to do any serious steps before their devices are no longer supported. Due to this and variability of other reasons, companies are now trying to adopt BYOD or bring-your-own-device.

The creation of this BYOD security policy is considered to be the most crucial step for businesses that are using DaaS and choose remote or hybrid modes of work. Let’s discuss some of the major components that should be in the BYOD security policy.

If employees want to use their devices for work purposes, it is important to sign an agreement. There should be mentioned everything about accessing inform, security expectations, privacy, and other important details for businesses as well as for employees.

When the employees are already in the company, it is rather important to share all the credentials, profiles, and settings. Moreover, once any changes are made within the system, all the employees should be quickly updated.  

According to the BYOD policy, continuous monitoring should be regularly conducted. It is important to use automated methods and check for the risks of some violations. These risks might be such as bypassing OS or attempts to delete corporate management from the device.

Privacy boundaries are also needed because users sometimes are afraid that their company will collect personal information that is not job-related. To prevent organizations from reaching out to personal calendars, photos, emails, or passwords, the encrypted container is used. By its usage, the information is divided for professional and private.  

Significance of Desktop as a Service in Modern Business

There are lots of reasons why DaaS or desktop as a service is significant for modern business, and one of the major reasons is price. Before the DaaS usage, it was a huge budget loss for lots of companies, due to the lost/stolen devices with all the intellectual property on them. With desktop as a service, all the inform is stored on the cloud so there won’t be such issues. Also, it is even possible to save if not conducting all the updates. IT departments in huge companies might need lots of time and budget to update the physical devices of all the employees. Plus, users can access DaaS from any device, and almost on the go, there are no holidays and the system works flawless at any time.

The next thing is security, with DaaS any data can be quickly restored. That’s why, there should not be any worries in case of a stolen device that can be used for getting information from it. So, accessibility through hosted desktops in such a scenario is really needed.

Also, the cloud is considered to be really safe space, where lots of encryption methods are used. So, hackers have no option to reach the data. Of course, the attempts may be, but usually, they are not successful.

The major plus of DaaS is full flexibility. That means you can choose the infrastructure that is needed and remove or add anything. Moreover, the providers usually offer 24/7 support in case of any technical questions or problems.    

Achieving Scalability without Technical Overhead

Scalability is a separate topic that should be mentioned in terms of DaaS. Scaling should not directly influence the budget of the business. In our constantly changing world, investments in hardware can be really minimal. Moreover, the benefit of DaaS providers is in the infrastructure management that is regularly made by another company. This saves much more time and budget which is used for the system upgrades.

The scale of the consumption costs is really noticeable with DaaS. For instance, a standard company should purchase hardware that will be enough for max number of employees. Sometimes, there might be lots of additional hardware that is actually not used but is in the office. With desktop as a service, there won’t be such an issue.

To Sum Up

The development of virtual technology and the quick shift to the hybrid or remote mode of working has greatly influenced our general understanding of how work can actually look. More and more new methods and technologies are implemented for strategy improvement of the remote/hybrid work and accessibility of the tools and information. With DaaS, customers are getting the needed convenience and security level without any effort. It is only the beginning; future changes can influence even bigger processes in the workspace.  

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