Server Pool Manager

Server Pool Manager

Author: HostZealot Team
2 min.

Server Pool ManagerAdding your dedicated servers to a pool allows you to manage your traffic consumption in every location more effectively. Here are the conditions that apply to a server being added to the pool:

  • a server and a pool should be active;
  • a server can be added only to the pool in the same location;
  • a pool and a server should have the same type of traffic.

Follow these steps to order a new pool:

  • Go to the “Client Area” page ( and press “order pool” to order the service;
  • enter required data (pic. 1):plan/bandwidth volume — additional volume will be added to the summary volume of the pool servers’ traffic;
  • bandwidth type – the pool and all dedicated servers should have the same type («Premium» or «Standard»);
  • pool name;
  • location;
  • check the order and provide the payment.

server pool manager

Picture 1

Now, if you press the “update data” button at the “Pool manager” page, your new pool will be displayed in the list of available services (pic. 2).

server pool manager

Picture 2

It also takes just a few clicks to add a server to a pool:

  • select a server and press “Add to pool” button, then pick a pool you want to add the server to from the list (pic. 3);
  • use “Mass action” tool to add a few servers to the same pool at once (pic. 4).

server pool manager

Picture 3

server pool manager

Picture 4

You can easily get information regarding the servers included in the same pool (main IP-adresses) and current amount of the consumed traffic for each your pool (pic. 5).

server pool manager

Picture 5

Main features of the pool:

  • current available volume of traffic is comprised of traffic of each server plus additional volume selected during the order of the pool;
  • if one of the servers in a pool becomes inactive, total volume of traffic get decreased proportionally;
  • traffic consumption is calculated separately for each server in case of pool’s suspension;
  • use «Management actions» for the service to upgrade the pool by adding additional traffic volume.

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