What is CSS?
CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a simple design language that makes the creation of web pages easier. It makes your page user-friendly and presentable. By using CSS, you are able to style the text, fonts, different spacings, lists, columns, and tables, background images, layouts, you can control the responsiveness and other effects.
Advantages of CSS
- Time-saving − you can create a CSS template and re-use it for different pages in future
- Faster pages loading − use one CSS tag rule for every time it occurs - the less code the shorter is download time
- Simple maintenance − when making big changes on the page, change the style to make all elements get updated automatically
- Wide range of styles − using CSS gives you an opportunity to create a much better-looking page rather than just with HTML
- Good responsiveness options − by means of CSS you can create multiple versions of your site for it to be compatible with different devices like cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc.
- Always up to date − HTML becomes deprecated and it is better to use CSS instead of it. This will save you time in the future and make your website compatible with all browsers
CSS Versions
Year | Name | Description |
1996 | CSS1 | Clear definition of the CSS language and a visual formatting model for the HTML tags. |
1998 | CSS2 | The support of specific style sheets like versions for printing, additional fonts, tables, etc., is added. |
1999 | CSS3 | Consists of modules and each of them has new extension features presented in CSS2. |
2011 | CSS4 | CSS4 modules are developed basing on CSS3 and fill them up with new properties and values. |
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