Do you back-up hosting accounts?

Backup copy of your website may come in handy in some cases, for example:

  • for upgrading from web hosting account to VPS;
  • restoring lost data.

To make a backup login to your cPanel and go to the Files section. There you can find two options (picture 1) for creating and uploading backup files:

  • Backup;
  • Backup Wizard.

Do you back-up hosting accounts?

Picture 1


Both applications have the same set of tools, only Backup Wizard offers step by step approach, when Backup allows to choose an option you need right from the start.

Please find a list of the available options of the Backup Wizard below (picture 2):   

Do you back-up hosting accounts?

Picture 2


  • Full backup - this feature allows you to create an archive of all the files and configurations on your website.
  • Partial backup – use this tool to download partial backup of your website files, e.g.  Home Directory, MySQL Databases, Emails forwarders and filters configuration.


Just select a backup option you need and download zipped files to store them locally or using an independent storage. Also, there is a Restore tool that can be found both in Full and Partial Backup tool sets, which will help you to recover your data from a backup any time you need it (picture 3).

Do you back-up hosting accounts?Picture 3


If there will be any questions regarding making a backup, please don’t hesitate to contact our round-the-clock customer support service representatives or submit a ticket to our technical department directly from a client area or our website.

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