What is VPS hosting and how does it work
Nowadays, there are many types of hosting that allow you to put your site on the Internet. Each of them has individual characteristics, as well as advantages and disadvantages. Today we would like to tell you more about one of such types. It is VPS server.
VPS Overview
VPS stands for “virtual private server”. In fact, this is a virtual environment that is located on a physical machine in a data center. There may be put several different VPS on one of such physical machines,several different VPS that work independently of each other. Their number depends on the capacity of the server and the policy of the hosting company. In such virtual environment, you can install almost any operating system, additional software and manage resources provided, at your discretion.
VPS working principle
The basic principle of VPS is virtualization. Due to this technology, one physical machine is divided into several virtual that are independent of each other. The resources that a physical machine possesses are also evenly divided between all VPS or VDS. Such parameters as the amount of RAM, disk space on the SSD / HDD and processor power, are also shared between users. In doing so, even if the neighboring virtual server requires large resources, your VPS will remain at its capacity, as stated in the agreement with the hosting provider. Thus,while renting a VPS server, you as a user, get guaranteed resources, increased web project security and flexibility in server settings.
VPS Server Benefits
As we mentioned at the beginning, each type of hosting has its own advantages. Here are those you get, if you want to buy a VPS :
- Isolation. Your server does not depend on "neighbors". Even if they have a problem, it will not affect you. The only thing that the work of VPS depends on is functioning of the physical machine, on which it is located, as well as the data center itself.
- Scaling. If at some point you realize that the server does not have enough resources available, you can always increase their volume. To do this, just contact the hosting provider.
- Full control. You decide how to manage your allocated resources and location. You can run the site on VPS or simply use it as a vps mail server . The choice is yours. In addition, you have the right to decide which operating system and software to install.
- Functionality, not inferior to a dedicated server. In case of renting a dedicated server you get the entire physical machine at your disposal, while in the case of VPS, only a part of it. Otherwise, all the functionality and capabilities are almost identical.
When you should switch to VPS
If you already have a functioning site on a virtual hosting (do not confuse with VPS ), then sooner or later there may be a need for an “upgrade”. Here is a list of situations in which you may need to buy a virtual server.
1. Lack of performance
If your site is developing successfully, then sooner or later a large number of people will visit it. This, in turn, will cause an increased load on the server. When using conventional virtual hosting, the user is allocated only a small amount of resources, thus not fixed. When using VPS, this will not be a problem, even if you make a vps wordpress site.
2. Security issues
If you use virtual hosting, then attacks on your "neighbors" will adversely affect your site. This will lead to its constant decline and outflow of visitors. In such situations, the only hope is in timely intervention of the hosting provider. When working with VPS, problems of other servers will not affect you.
3. Specific needs
If you are not satisfied with the operating system in virtual hosting, you cannot change anything in it. When using VPS, you get root access at administrator level. This means that you have a right to install any OS and additional software, to optimize the project,.
When using a good VPS server, you get a lot of advantages. However, it is worth remembering that such servers should be maintained and configured. Therefore, make sure that you have a specialist for such purposes, or that your hosting provider gives a controlled access function. This means that they will help you in case of a service problem. Remember that server rental is possible in any country. It can be netherlands vps , sweden vps and so on.Note that VPS is suitable not only for large companies, but also for ordinary people with their CMS blogs, for example Wordpress. If you want to install Wordpress on your virtual private server, you may need to get acquainted with our special guide on this link.