OpenStack vs VMware: an Open-Source Solution vs. a Proprietary Platform

OpenStack vs VMware: an Open-Source Solution vs. a Proprietary Platform

Author: HostZealot Team
2 min.

Today we want to look at different aspects that differentiate OpenStack from VMware from the perspective of the user, developer, and manager.


OpenStack is an open-source solution that is used for creating infrastructure based on public and private cloud services. It can be considered not exactly a virtualization system, but rather a tool for managing hypervisors who in turn launch the virtual machines – and orchestrator. Anyone who knows Python can create a custom contribution that other users can share and clone.


VMware is a closed-code virtualization system that can also be used for building a cloud infrastructure. As with everything that is closed-source, this platform is more uniform, being edited by developers. If you lack some features, you can contact them and make a suggestion, but it can take a long time for its realization.

Which solution is easier for developers?


OpenStack was originally tailored for private clouds rather than public ones. For this reason, developing on OpenStack requires a lot of configuration, and a team of developers is needed if you want a public cloud


Unlike OpenStack, it’s much easier to create a public cloud with VMware. Nevertheless, to create something that is to be sold, you’ll most likely need a team of professional developers skilled in this area.

Features and components 


OpenStack: OpenStack uses ESXI as its hypervisor. ESXi provides that every operating system in the system works independently, with dedicated resources, and without interfering with others’ operations.

On OpenStack, different hypervisors can be used, be it ESXI, KVM, or Qemu.

Data Storage

Both VMware and OpenStack can be used with hardware data storage systems like NetApp, Dell, HPE, Fujitsu, and Hitachi.

Interface and VM-management

VMware: VMware uses cloud director. This platform allows to creation VMs, configure network, NAT, and firewalls. 

OpenStack: OpenStack originally comes with a Horizon panel, but it can be replaced by a custom solution. Besides that, various additional modules can be used.

What Products Do the Platforms Allow to Create?

OpenStack allows deploying:

  • ​Cloud servers
  • Private-public cloud solutions
  • Private cloud
  • Validated cloud

VMware allows deploying:

  • ​Public cloud
  • ​Private cloud
  • ​Remote desktops 
  • ​Cloud backup
  • ​Cloud disaster recovery


As you have seen, both OpenStack and VMware offer a bit different perspectives and approaches to cloud infrastructure development and deploying various cloud solutions. While VMware can require less technical expertise and a smaller team to deploy basic solutions, deploying complex professional clouds will still require a team of professionals.

OpenStack is potentially more customizable but needs a team of professionals by default to benefit from its features.

Besides that, both platforms can be combined to build a hybrid cloud infrastructure.


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