VDS/VPS servers with DDoS Protection

  • L3, L4 protection
  • Handling loads up to 400 Gbps thanks to PATH Network
  • No network lag in case of attack
  • No payment for dirty traffic
from € 1,2 /mo.
VDS/VPS servers with DDoS Protection

Pricing Plan for DDoS Protected VPS

We offer the most popular VPS configurations. If you could not find a suitable configuration, contact our team.
Select location
Operating system
CentOS CentOS
Rocky Rocky
AlmaLinux AlmaLinux
Debian Debian
Ubuntu Ubuntu
Windows Windows
Other Other
Copy Link
3 Xeon Cores
1 GB
30 Mbps
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
2 GB
40 Mbps
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
2 GB
40 Mbps
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
4 GB
60 Mbps
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
4 GB
100 GB SSD
60 Mbps
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
8 GB
100 GB SSD
80 Mbps
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
8 GB
100 GB SSD
80 Mbps
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
16 GB
150 GB SSD
100 Mbps
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
16 GB
150 GB SSD
100 Mbps
Billed semiannually
38 /mo
Billed annually
3 Xeon Cores
1 GB
30 Mbps
48 /mo
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
2 GB
40 Mbps
54 /mo
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
2 GB
40 Mbps
67 /mo
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
4 GB
60 Mbps
73 /mo
Billed annually
4 Xeon Cores
4 GB
100 GB SSD
60 Mbps
95 /mo
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
8 GB
100 GB SSD
80 Mbps
101 /mo
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
8 GB
100 GB SSD
80 Mbps
130 /mo
Billed annually
6 Xeon Cores
16 GB
150 GB SSD
100 Mbps
123 /mo
Billed semiannually
6 Xeon Cores
16 GB
150 GB SSD
100 Mbps



Thank you for your inquiry.
We will contact you shortly!


Comes free of charge

  • VNC Access to the Server

    VNC Access to the Server

  • Web panel VirtualMin, Hestia, VestaCP

    Web panel VirtualMin, Hestia, VestaCP

  • IPv6 + IPv4 bundle

    IPv6 + IPv4 bundle

Additional services

  • Additional IP addresses
    Additional IP addresses
    from € 4
  • Backup Space
    Backup Space
    from € 2
  • Additional Traffic From 20 TB and Higher
    Additional Traffic From 20 TB and Higher
    from € 19
  • DevOps Services
    DevOps Services
    from € 67


  • 01

    Variety of Control Panels

    We offer a whole range of control panels from Cpanel to ISPmanager.

  • 02

    Free IPV6 for each VPS

    We provide a free IPV6 for every VPS you use in your business.

  • 03

    Under Your Control

    Have full control over your software solutions and the settings required for your website.

  • 04

    Variety of locations

    More than 20 locations to choose from including: Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Limassol, London, Marseille, Stockholm, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Venice, Warsaw, Ashburn, Chicago, Dallas, Seattle, Toronto, Dubai, Hong Kong, Manama, Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

  • 05

    VNC access to VPS

    VNC-access from anywhere in the world and administer your virtual server from the comfort of your home.

  • 06


    Feel like you're running out of resources? There's always room to expand.

  • 07


    Depending on the needs of your business, you can install additional software on your server.

  • 08

    Quick provisioning

    You can start using a VPS in 5 minutes after the payment and KYC procedures completed.

  • 09

    KVM Virtualization

    KVM virtualization technology provides independent resources to each virtual server, and also provides the ability to install the necessary operating system distributions.

  • 10

    Manage IP addresses

    Because VPS uses its own IP address, routing rules and ports, you can assign a dedicated IP for each of your sites.

VPS servers with DDoS protection

DDoS is a kind of network attack, which basically boils down to creating such a load on the server that it will not be able to cope adequately with user requests. As a result, the server "goes down", the real visitors can not access it, and the site owner suffers reputational and financial losses.

As a rule, the initiators of attacks are either competitors or simply ill-wishers, for whom a particular site prevents a quiet life. That is why VPS with DDoS protection are popular among representatives of large and medium-sized businesses. The bigger the business is, the more potential enemies are and the higher is the need for this kind of protection.

Protection options and their differences

There are three types of DDoS attacks:

  1. Protocol attacks (at L3, L4 levels). The purpose of such attacks is to overload the table space on the screen with a firewall in the network. It works in the following way: on several layers a large number of requests are launched, which the target node has no time to process, which causes a failure. A FIFO rule with sequential processing of requests can not always protect, because as a result of network flooding the server simply does not have enough resources to complete the original request. There are five variants of such flooding: HTTP, SYN, UDP, MAC and ICMP. They can often be combined for better performance.
  2. Applied. Attacks at infrastructure level, aimed at overloading the hardware part of the server, thus causing a state of failure on the CPU. It is achieved in different ways. The first one is filling server with log files due to script; this variant will work if there is no limit set on VPS. The second option is to send oversized packets, which the server can not cope with. The third scenario involves a quota system, but the hacker will need access to the CGI.
  3. Attacks on applications (L7 level). For these DDoS attacks, the hacker would need to find vulnerabilities at the source code level, and then come up with mechanisms to exploit them. All of the existing exploit programs are from here.

In general, there are many attack options, so most companies use different methods to protect data and servers in general.

Keep in mind the fundamental principle that "there is always a counteraction to every action", so there are also quite a few mechanisms for protecting against DDoS attacks. We can divide them into three types:

  1. Local. These include a variety of specialized software, as well as network devices that help prevent DDoS.
  2. Cloud-based. This is a software variant of protection, but such software runs on another server, in the cloud. The advantage of cloud technologies is that a hacker cannot somehow disable or bypass them, except by hacking the developer's servers - and this is virtually impossible if the service provider is a serious company with a proven track record. Cloud DDoS protection today is one of the most common options, especially since the use of such solutions does not affect the client's server itself.
  3. Hybrid. Complex solution, a combination of two previous types of protection. They demonstrate even higher efficiency, but also are more expensive, that's why they are mainly used by large corporations.

For whom is this service intended

According to 2021 statistics, about 40% of all DDoS attacks targeted the entertainment industry, slightly more than 29% targeted the telecommunications industry, and 12% targeted online retailers. Websites in construction (6%), finance (4.5%) and education (3.6%) suffered the least DDoS attacks. This data allows every businessman to assess all possible risks and decide for himself whether he needs to rent a virtual dedicated server with protection against DDoS attacks.

As for web applications, it is almost always necessary to provide this kind of protection, because according to the same year 2021, they were twice as often the victims of hackers than sites and portals. The reason is simple - web applications collect much more data about users, and once hacked, they can easily be used to their advantage.

This service is for anyone interested in ensuring that their project is protected from the encroachment of ill-wishers and competitors. You can rely on the interest, but no one can guarantee that your site will not become a target for attackers, even if statistically it is in the lowest-risk zone.

Advantages of HostZealot over other services

HostZealot offers the ability to lease secure VPS - we use hybrid DDoS protection mechanisms on hardware and software levels, which will monitor all incoming traffic in order to counteract artificial server overload. Configured packet dropping filters allow to cut off any unwanted traffic, which may negatively affect VPS operation.

Protection of servers on a network and transport levels (L3, L4) is provided by the fact that all incoming traffic goes through several filtering nodes, where it is carefully analyzed and cleared of spam, floods and other unwanted packets. We can handle loads of up to 400 Gbps.

If you still have questions, contact our experts via Livechat or messengers. We'll help you choose the best tariff for the individual needs of your project.

Your questions, our answers

  • What is the impact of DDoS attacks on businesses?
    DDoS attacks negatively impact businesses. It can take the form of the official website being down, the network traffic being blocked, or the server malfunctioning. In any case, the consequences of a DDoS attack can get big really fast. DDoS attack can result in:
    • -Extra expenses, including repairing, rebuilding, or replacing the equipment.
    • -Bad user experience and subsequent loss of customers due to the website being down.
    • -Scattered reputation thanks to the business’s failure to show its reliability.
    Those are just a few. It’s important to consider that no particular pattern predicts which business is more likely to fall victim to such a DDoS attack. So we recommend paying close attention to how well your business is protected from DDoS attacks.
  • Why should every business use DDoS protection?
    Businesses should care about DDoS protection because of the consequences it can bring if one wants their business to continue to thrive. DDoS attacks can disable many business operations that were already set up; the extreme of this is the crippling foundation of an organization. To avoid that you should use DDoS protection, which is sufficient enough to keep your business away from cybercriminals. It doesn’t cost much and it’s not that hard to find, so why not use it?

    Path Network and HostZealot Hosting have collaborated to create an ultimate DDoS protective solution that can help your growing business be confident in its cybersecurity status.
  • Why should you pay special attention to DDoS protection offered by hosting providers?
    Although many hosting providers offer DDoS protection, they often do not mention what exactly is covered by this DDoS protection. Often the price of a VPS with DDoS protection may not even vary from the prices of a VPS without one, which leads to the conclusion that DDoS protection may be pretty basic and weak. It’s not the case with HostZealot.

    Every DDoS-protected hosting plan from HostZealot has relevant information about the kind of DDoS protection you get. This way, you know what you pay for and what level of DDoS protection your business receives.

Still unsure what to choose?

Get in touch with us and we will help you choosing the optimal server for your project needs

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