Useful server articles
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What’s the difference between Docker and Kubernetes
Feb 15, 2022
What’s the difference between Docker and Kubernetes

Let’s see what the difference between virtual machines and containers is, why Docker is so popular, what Kubernetes is, and what are the main IT-market trends in this area. Both technologies are a method of virtualization and are used for application deployment, but there are a few fundamental differences between them which you will discover once you have deeply analyzed and compared them. Let’s see.

Dedicated server for gaming: what it is and why you need it
Jan 5, 2022
Dedicated server for gaming: what it is and why you need it

No matter how great the game is, if it has unstable servers that are not able to cope with the natural load, it is going to fail and be forgotten. Gamers can still put up with bugs, but bad network code, constant FPS spikes, and high ping - these are factors that can easily negate any benefits. Dedicated server for gaming is optimized differently for the specific task - to provide comfortable gameplay to all the people who are connected to the server in real-time. In this article, we will talk about how to choose a game server and what aspects to consider first.

How to install your website on a server
Dec 16, 2021
How to install your website on a server

An empty dedicated server is not suitable for website installation. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare the basic software, and how to configure the control panel of the server and the sites it hosts.

Server: build and launch
Nov 23, 2021
Server: build and launch

Just like a normal desktop computer, a server needs to be configured and assembled in a special case, taking into account many important points, starting with the compatibility of components and ending with their efficiency in terms of performing their tasks. In this article, we will explain what steps are involved in assembling a server, and how it is configured and tested after installation.

Choice of processor when renting a virtual server
Nov 22, 2021
Choice of processor when renting a virtual server

Although we have already told you how to choose the right virtual server, we cannot dissect all of the nuances in one article. This is confirmed by the experience of experts at HostZealot, who are faced with a lot of clarifying questions from customers! For example, VPS Rental customers are often interested in the CPU in their "machine" - and we will tell you all the most important things about selecting this node!

How to work properly with a dedicated server
Nov 18, 2021
How to work properly with a dedicated server

Minimum compromise and maximum capabilities - about how you can describe a dedicated server on the background of other options for hosting online projects on the network. But do not hurry to order the purchase or lease such a server! First, we should understand what it is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, as well as what to look for when choosing equipment. All this information you will find in our article!

The best ways to protect VPS/VDS on Windows Server
Oct 18, 2021
The best ways to protect VPS/VDS on Windows Server

Careless protection of important corporate data can turn into a real disaster for a VPS server tenant. An intruder who has managed to break through the configured security methods can introduce extraneous scripts into the site structure, interfering with the normal operation of the infrastructure, and can even steal the data stored on the server in order to resell it or use it in another unfair way.

The main reasons for switching to VPS or Dedicated servers
Oct 18, 2021
The main reasons for switching to VPS or Dedicated servers

There are a number of reasons why many companies and organizations prefer to switch to Dedicated servers or VPS. Here are six of the most common ones:

How to choose a dedicated server for Forex
Oct 15, 2021
How to choose a dedicated server for Forex

Trading currencies for profit requires constant attention from the trader, so a dedicated server for Forex should work around the clock and be stable. Dedicated Server is an optimal choice of hosting for placing servers in the business sector because in this scenario the client is provided with a fully functional physical machine whose computing power is not available for other users. The client, who rents Dedicated server, can always be confident in the stability and fault tolerance of their servers due to such advantages:

What is the difference between a dedicated server and a virtual server
Sep 9, 2021
What is the difference between a dedicated server and a virtual server

It is probably no exaggeration to say that everyone who needs hosting for the site, at the very beginning of the question arises: choose a dedicated server or VPS? To answer the question in an objective and balanced way, you should first understand the difference between a virtual server and a physical one. Only so you can understand the pros and cons of each solution - and our article will help you with that.