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Method to Accurately Locate VPN Server Locations
Jun 18, 2024
Method to Accurately Locate VPN Server Locations

Technology is evolving, and so are the intricacies of cybersecurity threats that carry the chance of compromising privacy and security. VPN has long been a preventative measure against those types of threats. However, the true location of the server a VPN operates on can be crucial to the sufficiency of protection the virtual private network provides.

Step-by-step Guide to Monitoring Debian Server with Netdata
Jun 10, 2024
Step-by-step Guide to Monitoring Debian Server with Netdata

Monitoring your server is one of the essential practices that can help you regularly take measures to improve the performance of your website, reveal its weak spots to enhance its security, and figure out, how to increase the number of its visitors, achieve better SEO optimization, etc.

Instal and Configure of Skaffold on Debian 12 Linux
May 31, 2024
Instal and Configure of Skaffold on Debian 12 Linux

Skaffold is a rather popular tool that is needed for continuous development. With this container-based tool, it is possible to manage deploying, developing, and pushing the app and also creating pieces for CD/CI pipelines. Scaffold can deliver your app to a Kubernetes cluster, cloud project, or docker environment.

How to solve Error "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated”
May 28, 2024
How to solve Error "Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated”

While using Secure Shell (SSH) protocol to access a remote computer, an error described as “Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal” can come up.

Adding User and Password Using Ansible
May 27, 2024
Adding User and Password Using Ansible

Users are offered lots of tools and features for automation purposes and that greatly simplifies all the challenges that can be connected with management. Here, we will introduce you to a great tool that is called Ansible. This is a fantastic option for adding new users and passwords. If you have a couple of servers, then the manual process of adding new users can be really time-consuming. Now, you don’t need to waste time and enter all the users, you can automate this process.

Everything you need to know about NGINX Timeouts
May 23, 2024
Everything you need to know about NGINX Timeouts

NGINX is a popular multipurpose server that links parts of the external/internal network and also gives access to the dynamic data and files. Here in this writing, we will talk specifically about the NGINX timeouts and how to handle everything correctly by disabling and setting various timeouts. Timeouts are essential if speaking about the configuration aspect because they specify the period during which the server waits for a specific event prior to its termination. They are extremely important and influence the stability of the servers as well as stoppage of the resource exhaustion. So, if that topic sounds interesting, then we will share all the practical recommendations regarding timeouts.   

Guide on How to Download Google Drive Folder by Using Command Line
May 16, 2024
Guide on How to Download Google Drive Folder by Using Command Line

Cloud-based storage has proven itself to be much more convenient than its alternatives. The most renowned cloud storage solution is Google Drive, and there are reasons for it. Google Drive is a free (up to 15 GB) solution that supports remote access and multiple document formats. Plus, it has an intuitive user interface, which makes using the service easy. However, in our experience, when it comes to using its extended functionality, there can be a challenge.

How to Solve "Connection Refused" Error on Linux Port 22
May 9, 2024
How to Solve "Connection Refused" Error on Linux Port 22

Server administration on the Linux system is not always a flawless process, from time to time there might be some issues and errors. Here we will share our practical experience about the “connection refused” error. When such an issue occurs, that means connection via SSH protocol cannot be conducted and you should better follow some of the professional recommendations in order to solve this problem with a methodical approach.

SSL Handshake Capture with tcpdump
May 8, 2024
SSL Handshake Capture with tcpdump

SSL is by far the most common protocol protocol that is used for encrypted data transmission over TCP connections. During this procedure, both parties must exchange different kinds of information, including public keys, encryption algorithms, protocol versions, and many others.

Shell tips: Detecting Empty Directories
Apr 30, 2024
Shell tips: Detecting Empty Directories

Administration of the Linux system is not a simple task and for doing it effectively, you would rather know commands and understand the main aspects of the processes. For instance, the important thing is to know if the directory is empty prior to dealing with any crucial operations.