Useful Web Hosting Articles
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What is a website builder, what are its pros and cons
May 17, 2022
What is a website builder, what are its pros and cons

Website builders are software systems with extensive tools that can be used to create websites for any task. "In the box" of such a service there is everything you need at once:

SMTP server errors and how to fix them
Apr 28, 2022
SMTP server errors and how to fix them

The SMTP server uses the SMTP protocol to send e-mails. And only to send, because other protocols are used for receiving - POP3 and IMAP. The data transfer is done via TCP connection, and the specification of Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is optimal for sending mass and transactional mailings. For this reason, it is often used by spammers.

Managed or Unmanaged Hosting: Which is Better
Apr 18, 2022
Managed or Unmanaged Hosting: Which is Better

There are two types of hosting: managed and unmanaged. In this case, we are talking about administration - when renting a managed hosting customer also receives additional service:

What is DNSSEC and why it is important for your website
Apr 6, 2022
What is DNSSEC and why it is important for your website

DNSSEC is a DNS security extension designed to reduce attacks aimed at spoofing IP addresses. Simply put, it increases the security of DNS authentication by using digital signatures based on public-key cryptography.

Free hosting: a threat to your site
Mar 16, 2022
Free hosting: a threat to your site

No matter what anybody says, that's what reality looks like: expensive things are better than cheap ones. Of course, we are talking now about the most basic and simple things, like various goods and services. This also applies to free hosting, a service that may seem profitable only at first glance. "It's free" is a powerful argument. But actually, when hosting a website or other project on such a hosting, you are 99% likely to encounter a lot of problems. That's what we'll talk about in this article.

Apache – what is it, how it works, advantages and disadvantages
Feb 17, 2022
Apache – what is it, how it works, advantages and disadvantages

Apache is a free web server, cross-platform software that provides about 1/3 of the sites on the global Internet. This software is developed and supported by the ASF (Apache Software Foundation) community, which was formed in 1999. It was this organization that developed the Apache License, which is so widely used on other projects.

Which CMS is better: WordPress or Joomla
Feb 3, 2022
Which CMS is better: WordPress or Joomla

WordPress or Joomla are the most popular CMS-systems developed on the principle of Open Source. Each of these content management systems provides a fairly extensive toolkit that allows you to bring projects of any complexity to life. Whatever type of site you do not need to develop - both WordPress and Joomla will be a solid foundation. But still, there is a big difference between these CMS, and in this article, we will try to comprehensively tell you what is better for shared-hosting in terms of security, load on the server, and a number of other criteria.

What hosting should you choose for a landing page?
Jan 4, 2022
What hosting should you choose for a landing page?

Landings are unlikely to ever lose relevance. This solution will always be good for many small companies and entrepreneurs. After all, they simply do not need the capabilities of a complex multipage and expensive both in development and content of the site! But do they need the capabilities of good paid hosting or can they save money with free placement on free hosting? Find the answer to this question in this article from the experts of HostZealot!

What is hosting overselling
Dec 14, 2021
What is hosting overselling

Overselling is a service of reselling previously sold server processing power. The essence of the fact is that many customers of hosting providers do not use fully leased capacity, and they stay idle. In this case, some providers take and resell idle resources to other contractors. In practice, this approach allows:

Choosing the best hosting for an online store
Dec 13, 2021
Choosing the best hosting for an online store

When creating an online store one of the most important steps in the search and selection of hosting provider, on the servers of which will be placed the webserver. Speaking in the language of analogies, hosting is a platform on which the point of sale is located. Instead of square meters here you get the hardware resources, which are necessary to maintain the online store. And the higher the server capacity, the better will work online store: more stable, faster, more reliable.