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Linux Command Line Basics: Base64 Encoding and Decoding Strings
Apr 24, 2024
Linux Command Line Basics: Base64 Encoding and Decoding Strings

​Among a variety of methods for representing binary data in ASCII string format, Base64 is one of the most common ones, employed particularly for the encoding of images as other documents in email attachments and in URLs as well as other cases, where there is a need of converting something into pure text. In the following, we are going to show you how to use command terminal tools in Linux for encoding and decoding Base64 strings.

Revealing Wi-Fi Secrets: Accessing Passwords for Connected Networks in Windows/Linux
Apr 16, 2024
Revealing Wi-Fi Secrets: Accessing Passwords for Connected Networks in Windows/Linux

​While the standard graphic interfaces of Windows and Linux are rather designed for regular users, the functionality of both systems is not limited by the features offered within the graphic interfaces. Many helpful features are somewhat concealed and can only be accessed via the command line interface. Today, we want to reveal one of these secrets and show you, how you can access Wi-Fi passwords for connected networks in both Windows and Linux via the command line.

Tackling File System Metrics: How to Exclude tmpfs, udf, iso9660 for Precise Monitoring
Apr 11, 2024
Tackling File System Metrics: How to Exclude tmpfs, udf, iso9660 for Precise Monitoring

​Tackling file system metrics can be done in a variety of ways which we are not going to overwhelm you with in this article. Based on our practical experience in the field, we will give you some instructions about better monitoring. However, prior to this, you should deploy OS via Foreman. We highly recommend this system management tool for monitoring and configuring the servers both virtual and physical. This open-source tool has a great integration with config management soft that helps deploy apps, automate tasks, and even manage some changes.

ESXi Server Deployment Made Easy: A Guide to Installing and Configuring with ESXi-Foreman PXE Deploy
Apr 4, 2024
ESXi Server Deployment Made Easy: A Guide to Installing and Configuring with ESXi-Foreman PXE Deploy

​ESXi is an enterprise-level virtualization tool. It can manage virtual machines more efficiently than some services we are accustomed to. VMware’s ESXi server is installed right onto the computer, without the host’s operating system. Then the server can direct the hardware resources, and generate copies of virtual hardware for their management.

Strengthening Web Stack Security (LAMP) with Network Service Isolation per VM Systems
Mar 20, 2024
Strengthening Web Stack Security (LAMP) with Network Service Isolation per VM Systems

​Web stack is a collection of various open-source soft such as programming language of the server side, operating system, database server, and web server. The most widely used stack is called LAMP. This name is a shortening for Linux, Apache server, MySQL, and PHP (in some cases it might be Python or Perl). For security reasons, the best variant is to run various network services on separate virtual machines or systems. With such a system, that is obvious that potential attackers cannot crack lots of services.

Opening DHCP Port Using UFW in Linux OS
Mar 18, 2024
Opening DHCP Port Using UFW in Linux OS

​A firewall is an essential element of security for any system connected to the web. It is responsible for filtering the traffic, allowing the necessary traffic while blocking the unrelated and potentially harmful.

Examples of Shell Script Wrappers: Enhancing Ping and Host Commands
Mar 12, 2024
Examples of Shell Script Wrappers: Enhancing Ping and Host Commands

​The transparency to the users of *nix command can be achieved with shell script wrappers. A wrapper is a shell function or shell script or an alias that contains a utility or system command.

Deployment of Microsoft’s .NET Framework (Mono) on Debian 12
Feb 29, 2024
Deployment of Microsoft’s .NET Framework (Mono) on Debian 12

​Mono framework is an open-source variant of the .NET framework from Microsoft. It provides the foundation for developers to build and run different apps on different operating systems. C#, Visual Basic, and F# programming languages can be used to develop apps with Mono. Class libraries that are a part of Microsoft's .NET are also available on Mono.

Utilizing Vagrant with VirtualBox on Debian 12
Feb 21, 2024
Utilizing Vagrant with VirtualBox on Debian 12

​A perfect development environment can be created with Vagrant. It creates automation and ideal workflow while at the same time, it is possible to lessen the time spent on setup. Based on our practical experience, we can assure you that Vagrant except for the already mentioned benefits, also improves the level of production and development.

Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Synapse Matrix Server on Ubuntu 22.04
Dec 26, 2023
Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Synapse Matrix Server on Ubuntu 22.04

​Matrix is an open-source, decentralized, and easy-to-use software for private communication. It can be used for calling or messaging. Matrix provides encryption for secure communication channels on the web.