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How to find technical errors on your site
Nov 29, 2022
How to find technical errors on your site

Technical errors may not always be obvious, but they have a huge impact on SEO promotion and the quality of the site as a whole. These flaws can lead to the fact that during indexation the site will receive low positions in search results, and then it does not matter how much time and effort you have spent on promotion.

Setting up a reverse proxy
Nov 25, 2022
Setting up a reverse proxy

A reverse proxy server is a kind of proxy server that broadcasts client requests from an external network to one or more servers located within the internal network. In the following article, we will tell you what it's for and how to configure it if necessary using the example of the Nginx web server.

What is cross-browser and how to achieve it
Nov 17, 2022
What is cross-browser and how to achieve it

There are several dozen popular browsers, all built on different engines and differing both in interface and in the arsenal of available features. As a rule, the "lighter" the browser is, the faster it works and consumes fewer system resources. Therefore, many developers are trying to optimize their products as much as possible, making them as light and sleek as possible.

How to increase traffic to your website
Nov 17, 2022
How to increase traffic to your website

A website may have a gorgeous design, it may be filled to the brim with informative and entertaining content, but this does not guarantee high traffic. As practice shows, to increase traffic it is necessary to use various tools that are designed to increase the position of the site in the search results and make it more attractive to visitors. In this article we will tell you how to increase traffic and what you should do to maintain positive dynamics of traffic growth.

What to do if the site is inaccessible
Nov 17, 2022
What to do if the site is inaccessible

The site is unavailable – it is a rare but unpleasant error, which can occur for a number of reasons. Below we will consider how to diagnose and correct the situation with the help of handy tools, software, and utilities.

Installing Zabbix 6.0 on Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian
Nov 4, 2022
Installing Zabbix 6.0 on Ubuntu, CentOS, and Debian

Zabbix is a free status tracking system for various computer network services, servers, and network equipment. The creator of this product is Alexei Vladyshev, and Zabbix LLC is currently engaged in its development. Data storage within this system is possible on the basis of MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or Oracle Database. Later in the article, we will tell you more about Zabbix, as well as provide a detailed guide on installation and configuration.

How to connect SWAP for virtual server: pros and cons of SWAP
Nov 4, 2022
How to connect SWAP for virtual server: pros and cons of SWAP

SWAP is an important mechanism that provides reasonable management of virtual server memory by moving some data from RAM to SSD. The technology is relevant in cases where the system needs so much RAM that the server does not have physically. Activating swapping allows you to put the data that is least frequently used in a special partition on the drive.

How to choose the best hosting provider with Linux for VPS
Nov 4, 2022
How to choose the best hosting provider with Linux for VPS

A virtual private server is an isolated environment with its own operating system and dedicated capacity, simulating a full-fledged physical server. That is, VPS is just a part of the physical server, which, nevertheless, has all its attributes:

What is routing: Building routing tables in Linux
Oct 6, 2022
What is routing: Building routing tables in Linux

On the Internet, all information is transmitted in the form of small blocks of data – the so-called packets. The packet itself consists of the start bits, header, trailer, and payload – each such block with data is transmitted along a specific route, which, in turn, is determined by the router. The network route is "laid" based on the information received from the routing tables according to the routing protocols and instructions of the network administrator.

How and why you should regularly update your CMS
Sep 27, 2022
How and why you should regularly update your CMS

Regularly updating the CMS is important not only because of the new features and capabilities introduced by developers with the release of patches and versions but also for security reasons. The thing is that there are necessarily some vulnerabilities in any software – hackers are not always aware of them, and developers themselves sometimes face surprises. If a vulnerability has been discovered, with a conscientious approach to the development process, an update will be released shortly after that, eliminating the "gap in defense". Well, the sooner you, as a CMS user, receive this update, the lower the risk that attackers will be able to take advantage of the vulnerability to extract benefits.