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How to set up W3 Total Cache caching for WordPress
Sep 27, 2022
How to set up W3 Total Cache caching for WordPress

One of the most difficult plugins in terms of configuration is W3 Total Cache. At the same time, it is extremely useful for all WordPress sites, as it significantly increases the speed of the resource, reduces its loading time, and reduces the overall server load. After spending a little time studying this material, you will be able to figure out how to configure the W3 Total Cache caching plugin for WordPress.

How to install PHP extensions on Linux
Jul 4, 2022
How to install PHP extensions on Linux

During the initial configuration of the server, one of the most important steps is the installation of PHP extensions – they are needed for most CMS, including the popular WordPress, Magento, and Laravel. In this article, we will tell you which PHP scripts must be installed and how to do it through the console. We will install it on Ubuntu 20.04, but the syntax of the commands described below can be adapted to any other Linux system.

Transferring an HTML site to WordPress
Jul 4, 2022
Transferring an HTML site to WordPress

Sites manually written in HTML are characterized by increased performance and stability. Of course, provided that an experienced and attentive IT specialist writes the code. Such a site is ideal for placing static and materials in small volumes when it is not supposed to make regular changes to the content. HTML sites do not have a control panel, and web pages are edited manually – this creates certain inconveniences for "dynamic" projects, such as online stores, online service storefronts, news sites, etc.

How to set up VPN (L2TP/IPsec) for Windows 10
Jul 1, 2022
How to set up VPN (L2TP/IPsec) for Windows 10

The era of the free Internet is coming to an end – governments of different countries are gradually establishing control over providers in order to restrict citizens' access to certain sites. When it comes to criminal and immoral content that can really harm society, such restrictions are justified. But in recent years, cases of blocking sites for ridiculous reasons have become more frequent – for example, because the domain belongs to an unfriendly state.

Linux OS Management Commands
Jul 1, 2022
Linux OS Management Commands

When it comes to Linux, most people immediately recall the famous meme from the cult movie "The Hangover", in which Zach Galifianakis appears surrounded by complex mathematical formulas. As if only the chosen ones were able to master the art of Linux management, and for ordinary mortals, this is something incomprehensible. By "the chosen ones" we mean bearded programmers who are able to sort an array with random numbers using the "bubble" method with one eye, and who are able to count linear algorithms in their minds.

How to identify the CMS (engine) of the site
Jun 20, 2022
How to identify the CMS (engine) of the site

CMS – content management systems of websites, they are most often called "engines" in everyday life. There are a large number of such systems, and they all have certain advantages and disadvantages. Whatever the CMS is, its key functions will be:

Setting up Git on a virtual hosting
Jun 1, 2022
Setting up Git on a virtual hosting

The distributed version control system Git is often used on hosting sites in order to simplify the updating of the site during development. Without this tool, you will have to download new versions manually, which takes more time. Having configured Git, you will be able to update everything automatically by pressing a single button. Later in the article, we will tell you how to connect Git to hosting and prepare it for work.

How to transfer a website from virtual hosting to VPS using LAMP
Jun 1, 2022
How to transfer a website from virtual hosting to VPS using LAMP

One of the most reliable and proven ways to transfer a website from a virtual hosting on the VPS is a LAMP stack – with this software you can sequentially:

How to switch from HTTP to HTTPS: full guide
Jun 1, 2022
How to switch from HTTP to HTTPS: full guide

HTTP is an application protocol used to transfer data on the Internet. It is based on "client-server" technology, which means that the initiator of data transfer is always the client, while the server only receives and processes the request, sending back the results.

How to speed up a website: 6 best ways
May 16, 2022
How to speed up a website: 6 best ways

The loading speed of the site is one of the most important characteristics, which should be emphasized in the development and optimization. Nobody likes slow and clumsy sites, modern people are used to getting information at lightning speed, and if for some reason your site is loaded long, most visitors will simply leave for other resources.

It is believed that the loading speed of web pages should not exceed 3 seconds - a conventional psychological threshold of waiting, beyond which people begin to feel annoyed. Along with this increases the risk of losing the visitor, so loading optimization is extremely important. Below we will tell you what you can do to speed up the site.