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Why does the 504 Gateway Time Out error occur and how to fix it?
Jan 25, 2023
Why does the 504 Gateway Time Out error occur and how to fix it?

When trying to load a web page the server may display a 504 Gateway Time Out error. If you see this code on the screen, it means that the waiting time limit has been exceeded due to technical problems. It occurs if the server does not receive a response after a set period of time – because of this, it can not load the requested page. In this article, we will tell you what the possible causes of error 504 and what solutions can be found.

What is 403 access error and how to fix it
Jan 12, 2023
What is 403 access error and how to fix it

HTTP 403 Forbidden response code is quite common. This error occurs if the client is denied access to the resource by the server. In this article, we will look at the main causes and options for fixing the 403 Forbidden error.

How to make a good header for an image on your site
Dec 7, 2022
How to make a good header for an image on your site

Coming up with a title is a non-trivial task because it must be concise, capacious, and catchy, so at least for a moment to excite the brain activity of the reader, to interest him, make you think, or at least cause a fleeting smile.

MongoDB Compass – client for data administration and browsing
Dec 6, 2022
MongoDB Compass – client for data administration and browsing

MongoDB is a database management system designed to store hierarchical structures, documents. It is written in C++, based on the NoSQL approach. Unlike traditional relational DBMSs, data is accessed here by means of SQL language, and due to partial rejection of atomicity and data consistency, MongoDB provides information availability and a high level of scalability.

Thank You Page
Dec 5, 2022
Thank You Page

Experienced developers of websites and Landing Pages necessarily create a thank you, because it greatly increases the likelihood that people will return again, and that they will feel some pleasant emotion from cooperation with you. The visitor sees it every time he makes a target action – completes a purchase, confirms an order, or subscribes to a newsletter.

Create a web form that you want to fill out
Dec 5, 2022
Create a web form that you want to fill out

A web form, or capture form, is a special window where your website visitors can leave their contact information. This form is the most important element in building a competent sales funnel, and without it, you simply won't be able to gather a normal user base. The trouble is that not all people are ready to give their contact information to the first store or promotion company – many people avoid doing it because they fear that they will be bombarded with all sorts of SMS and letters to the mail reminding them about themselves. Blame it on miserable marketers who do not understand that the excessive imposition of a product or service causes just the opposite effect, provoking only rejection and resentment.

Effective recommendations for creating a selling product card
Dec 5, 2022
Effective recommendations for creating a selling product card

E-commerce is growing rapidly, a phenomenon that has been particularly evident since the COVID-19 pandemic began. According to Insider Intelligence, by 2025, e-commerce will grow 50% to $7.3 trillion, accounting for 24.5% of total retail sales. Currently, this segment of the market is just over 20%, which is also quite significant. In this regard, large retailers and online stores are paying more and more attention to websites and the design of product cards.

The virtual server in Linux: step-by-step instructions
Dec 5, 2022
The virtual server in Linux: step-by-step instructions

Linux is an open-source operating system that has gained popularity due to its high flexibility, security, stability, and unprecedented speed. It requires a certain amount of administrative knowledge, and you have to know and understand how to perform certain actions through the console because not everything can be done within the graphical interface.

How to work with InstantWP on your computer
Dec 2, 2022
How to work with InstantWP on your computer

The content management system WordPress is installed in conjunction with InstantWP – a standalone development environment that allows you to quickly and accurately configure your workspace. The beauty is that such a site will work even with a USB key, which makes life much easier for the developer. The site can be worked on from any computer, and if necessary, the results can be clearly demonstrated to the client. In addition, InstantWP facilitates the task of testing new plugins and features.

How to configure a SOCKS5 proxy on a Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Dec 2, 2022
How to configure a SOCKS5 proxy on a Virtual Private Server (VPS)

Although proxy servers are very similar in their function to VPN, they have one significant difference – the traffic is not encrypted, that is, the level of security will be much lower than when using virtual private networks. Despite this, proxy servers are actively used because this method allows: