Blog about hosting and servers
page 26

Installing and configuring Docker on Ubuntu
Feb 9, 2023
Installing and configuring Docker on Ubuntu

Modern infrastructure does not exist without microservices and containers. These technologies are great when it comes to running an application in processes isolated from resources. Docker has become a household name when it comes to containerization management. It's an application that makes it easy to manage application processes in containers.

Server response codes: full list
Jan 31, 2023
Server response codes: full list

When a browser or search robot contacts the server with a request, it automatically receives a certain status code in response. Every HTTP status code is three-digit and can range from 100 to 526. The range is occasionally expanded to describe some new states, but it happens infrequently, so the server response codes described in this article will be enough in 99% of cases.

What are firewalls
Jan 30, 2023
What are firewalls

A firewall is a network security system that filters all traffic according to preset principles and rules. If you imagine a server as a small apartment building, the Firewall is a diligent guard, which monitors the order day and night and does not let in anyone who arouses even the slightest suspicion.

Which CMS is better for VPS: Joomla or Drupal
Jan 27, 2023
Which CMS is better for VPS: Joomla or Drupal

If a user is thinking about creating a website or a blog, they will certainly be confronted with the choice of a website content management system. Resources, which the owner of the future web portal will encounter in the process of getting acquainted with popular CMS, give a comparative analysis on behalf of webmasters and ordinary users. But there is little information about which system is best for developers. In this article, we'll go deeper into the features of two CMSs – Joomla and Drupal. We will make a technical comparison of the systems, consider their features and understand the difference in approaches to code implementation.

Building an RPM package using Nginx as an example
Jan 26, 2023
Building an RPM package using Nginx as an example

RPM is a package manager used in Red Hat-based Linux operating systems. RPM data storage is performed using the cpio archive container, which compresses data using the gzip, bzip2, LZMA, XZ or XAR utility, depending on the version. The name of each RPM package includes 4 elements:

Why does the 504 Gateway Time Out error occur and how to fix it?
Jan 25, 2023
Why does the 504 Gateway Time Out error occur and how to fix it?

When trying to load a web page the server may display a 504 Gateway Time Out error. If you see this code on the screen, it means that the waiting time limit has been exceeded due to technical problems. It occurs if the server does not receive a response after a set period of time – because of this, it can not load the requested page. In this article, we will tell you what the possible causes of error 504 and what solutions can be found.

What is 403 access error and how to fix it
Jan 12, 2023
What is 403 access error and how to fix it

HTTP 403 Forbidden response code is quite common. This error occurs if the client is denied access to the resource by the server. In this article, we will look at the main causes and options for fixing the 403 Forbidden error.

Litespeed web server and caching
Jan 11, 2023
Litespeed web server and caching

Web browsers and how they work is the reason why caching has become a part of our everyday life. If you can't access a site or if you get errors while loading, experts suggest cleaning the cache – it's a standard procedure that helps in most cases.

How passwords are stolen from the browser during XSS attacks
Jan 9, 2023
How passwords are stolen from the browser during XSS attacks

Security headers are one of the most important links in the chain of tools and mechanisms that protect a website from external threats. With the help of XSS attacks, attackers can steal passwords stored in the browser and then use them for their own purposes. Next, we will tell you what an XSS attack is and how you can protect yourself from it.

Absolute Globalization: How Submarine Internet Cables Unite the Planet
Jan 9, 2023
Absolute Globalization: How Submarine Internet Cables Unite the Planet

Although the global Starlink satellite system, which provides users with high-speed Internet, is making all the headlines right now, the statistics remain categorical - 95 percent of the world's network is fiber optic cable. The wires that form the "world wide web" and connect regions on different continents run along the sea and ocean floor.