Blog about hosting and servers
page 27

How to choose a server location and what it affects
Jan 6, 2023
How to choose a server location and what it affects

Hosting providers offering VPS/VDS and dedicated server rental services always provide an opportunity to choose the location where the server will be physically located. Further in the article, we will tell you about the influence of geolocation and why it is so important to choose the right location.

HostZealot and the results of 2022
Dec 19, 2022
HostZealot and the results of 2022

Greetings, this year was not an easy one for our company, because it is no secret that Russia is now actively waging a war against Ukraine. A large part of our team is in Ukraine, so many have had to move to safer cities. Our employees as well as our company actively support the AFU, so practically since the first days of the war, HostZealot has been helping to purchase drones, equipment, and vehicles for the soldiers defending Ukraine. 

HostZealot announces partnership with Linked Helper
Dec 14, 2022
HostZealot announces partnership with Linked Helper

HostZealot is proud to announce its partnership with Linked Helper. For every sales team struggling their way with LinkedIn leads, Linked Helper is the perfect solution for organized outreach. Our servers with Linked Helper integration will help you work through 5-15 accounts simultaneously. If you wish to have more than 15 accounts you can always reach out to our team. Gain more customers and boost your brand through LinkedIn social selling! Read more about Linked Helper on the official website.

How to make a good header for an image on your site
Dec 7, 2022
How to make a good header for an image on your site

Coming up with a title is a non-trivial task because it must be concise, capacious, and catchy, so at least for a moment to excite the brain activity of the reader, to interest him, make you think, or at least cause a fleeting smile.

What a brand looks like in the eyes of users: getting to know SERM and ways to work with reputation on the Internet
Dec 7, 2022
What a brand looks like in the eyes of users: getting to know SERM and ways to work with reputation on the Internet

Listening to one's neighbor is a characteristic of most people. This is the way our brains work; our perceptions of reality are shaped by our social environment. Our opinions on one subject or another depend on the people around us and the sources of information available to us. The Soviet researcher Valeria Mukhina proved that under pressure from others, a person can eventually believe that white is black and vice versa.

How to choose the perfect hosting for a large website
Dec 6, 2022
How to choose the perfect hosting for a large website

Choosing a server is a complex question that cannot be answered in two words. Many aspects are important, from the type of server and its configuration to the virtualization technology and related services of the hosting provider. In this article, we'll tell you how to choose the perfect hosting for a large website. But first, let's understand why it matters in the first place.

MongoDB Compass – client for data administration and browsing
Dec 6, 2022
MongoDB Compass – client for data administration and browsing

MongoDB is a database management system designed to store hierarchical structures, documents. It is written in C++, based on the NoSQL approach. Unlike traditional relational DBMSs, data is accessed here by means of SQL language, and due to partial rejection of atomicity and data consistency, MongoDB provides information availability and a high level of scalability.

Protection against SQL injection
Dec 5, 2022
Protection against SQL injection

In this article, we will tell how SQL injection works, how dangerous such attacks are, and consider the mechanisms and methods of protection. It should be noted in advance that, with the right approach, you can easily cut off even the slightest chance that attackers will succeed. If nothing is done, SQL injection attacks can cause serious damage to your web server.

Thank You Page
Dec 5, 2022
Thank You Page

Experienced developers of websites and Landing Pages necessarily create a thank you, because it greatly increases the likelihood that people will return again, and that they will feel some pleasant emotion from cooperation with you. The visitor sees it every time he makes a target action – completes a purchase, confirms an order, or subscribes to a newsletter.

Create a web form that you want to fill out
Dec 5, 2022
Create a web form that you want to fill out

A web form, or capture form, is a special window where your website visitors can leave their contact information. This form is the most important element in building a competent sales funnel, and without it, you simply won't be able to gather a normal user base. The trouble is that not all people are ready to give their contact information to the first store or promotion company – many people avoid doing it because they fear that they will be bombarded with all sorts of SMS and letters to the mail reminding them about themselves. Blame it on miserable marketers who do not understand that the excessive imposition of a product or service causes just the opposite effect, provoking only rejection and resentment.