Blog about hosting and servers
page 38

Choosing the best hosting for an online store
Dec 13, 2021
Choosing the best hosting for an online store

When creating an online store one of the most important steps in the search and selection of hosting provider, on the servers of which will be placed the webserver. Speaking in the language of analogies, hosting is a platform on which the point of sale is located. Instead of square meters here you get the hardware resources, which are necessary to maintain the online store. And the higher the server capacity, the better will work online store: more stable, faster, more reliable.

Where to host the website: VPS or shared-hosting
Dec 13, 2021
Where to host the website: VPS or shared-hosting

VPS is an acronym that stands for a virtual private server. When renting a VPS, the client gets a part of a physical server, which has almost the same functions and features as a separate full-fledged server. However, there are some limitations: for example, VPS does not provide access to the operating system kernel, and the choice of available control panels is limited by the hosting provider. Otherwise, VPS servers offer the same benefits as a physical server:

VPS or Dedicated Server: understand which is better
Dec 13, 2021
VPS or Dedicated Server: understand which is better

There are two types of hosting:

How to choose a VPS hosting administration panel
Dec 9, 2021
How to choose a VPS hosting administration panel

VPS administration panel is necessary for competent management of functions and settings of web-server - it allows you to monitor the work of one or more sites. The main functions of the control panel include:

Hosting with a test period: what it is and why you may need it
Dec 9, 2021
Hosting with a test period: what it is and why you may need it

The test period - the possibility of short-term rental server at no charge. This is a good opportunity to assess the quality of services provided by a hosting provider. If there are no problems during the trial period, it proves that the hosting provider is responsible and open to the clients. In this article, we are going to tell you what aspects you should check during the trial period and what you should focus on during the analysis.

Causes of high load on VPS
Dec 3, 2021
Causes of high load on VPS

Due to an excessive increase in load, the virtual server can begin to "suffocate" - it simply will not have time to process all incoming requests and perform the assigned tasks. As a consequence, there will be delays in the server, and the loading speed of the site pages will decrease to unacceptable values. In this article, we will talk about what causes can provoke this, how to conduct an analysis to assess the load on the VPS server, and what are the ways to solve the problem.

Protect VPS with FAIL2BAN and IPTABLES
Dec 3, 2021
Protect VPS with FAIL2BAN and IPTABLES

When a server connects to the network, it will inevitably be attacked by bots written by hackers with the sole purpose of finding vulnerabilities in the VPS protection. Scanning by bots - it's like a test for the young soldier, and if your server passes this test successfully, then in the future you can sleep well. If you find a vulnerability - wait for trouble, because the bots will immediately report it to the hackers, and then everything will depend on human error. In this article we will describe how you can protect VPS or VDS with two simple but very effective tools:

What domain statuses mean
Dec 2, 2021
What domain statuses mean

When buying and registering domains not all users have a rational approach to the matter, neglecting information preparation and the technical side of the issue. Meanwhile, from time to time the work of the domain may stop or break due to some problems. And if you do not take urgent certain measures, it can lead to the termination of the resource and serious financial losses. In this article, we'll understand what Domain Status is, what they are, and what they signal.

Black Friday with HostZealot: Get a permanent discount!
Nov 23, 2021
Black Friday with HostZealot: Get a permanent discount!

Black Friday will only last for one day, but your HostZealot hosting discount will last... forever! And no, it is not an April joke, we are honest with you about everything.

Server: build and launch
Nov 23, 2021
Server: build and launch

Just like a normal desktop computer, a server needs to be configured and assembled in a special case, taking into account many important points, starting with the compatibility of components and ending with their efficiency in terms of performing their tasks. In this article, we will explain what steps are involved in assembling a server, and how it is configured and tested after installation.